Did you know? The French Mandate for Syria started in 1920, shortly after the expulsion of theOttomans in 1918. After 400 years of Ottoman occupation, France and Britain had planned to divide the Levant and create new countries. This took the form of a “Mandate” by which Syria and Lebanon were subjected to French control, whereas, Palestine was put under British rule. The French Mandate ended in 1945 after years of struggles for independence. Struggles that saw thousands of martyrs and large parts of Damascus Old City get burned down to the ground. ...
ابواحمد yatarig@hotmailcذكريات لا تنسى في المطعم الاموي قب 30 عام عملت فيه لفترة لصاحبه الهندي تحياتي للاحيا والرحمة للاموات من الشخصيات التى اذكرها طوني ، وام احمد ، ومهند ، ابونورس ، محمد ستيتيه ، ابوهاني في الحلويات و ابوعدي الشيف وغيرهم كانت ذكريات اتنسي yatarig@hotmailcom...
شمس غندورةأجمل ذكريات العمر عشتها في دمشق الحيبة و مطعم آليسار كان ملجأي من الضوضا بأفضل خدمة و افخم مكان و أحلى شي فيه هو الطعام السوري الرائع مشتاق والله يا دمشق...
ulla lundberg My parents were friends and costumes at Georges place in the 60s My husband and I visited him a couple of times around 2010 He took us around to his beloved ancient places and was a perfect tour guide I have some of his magnificent jewellery God bless him ...