Did you know? Sufism is a spiritual dimension of Islam where knowledge is always sought as a wy of practicing the religion. It promotes a life of self-denial and travelling as a way to bring man closer to his creator. Although Muslims who practice this dimension are not many, they have nevertheless played a significant part in shaping Islam in Syria....
Saadفندق راقي جدا متميز فريد من نوعه اليت دمشقي مليئ بالتفاصيل المميزة حسن الضيافة من الكادر جدا ممتازة افضل فندق بالشام القديمة نظرا لموقعه الرائع نشكر فريق العمل جميعا وخصوصا الانسة سالي وقصي...